Using a Joystick for Panning, Adjusting Controls, and Color Correction

You can use a joystick to adjust faders, surround panning, and the color wheel controls in the color corrector plug-ins.

If you're using a force-feedback joystick, force feedback adds a tactile element to your editing sessions.

The Joystick Profiles folder in the Vegas program folder contains .ini files to provide button mapping for several joysticks and instructions for creating or editing joystick mappings. These profiles are specific to each model of joystick. If only trigger functions are working for your joystick, a default profile is being used. Please check our download page for updated profiles.

Follow your manufacturer's instructions for calibrating your joystick before using it with Vegas software.

Select the Enable joystick support check box on the General tab of the Preferences dialog enable joystick control.

What do you want to learn more about?

Using the Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback 2 joystick

Using the Logitech Wingman joystick

Using the Gravis Eliminator Precision Pro joystick