Creating a New Media Library

Although you can use tags, custom columns, searches, and advanced searches to tame even the most unwieldy collection of media within a single library, there are times when you'll want to create completely independent databases. You can create a new library at any time.

Each media library serves as an independent database, and you can use multiple libraries with the Media Manager tool. You might want to use separate libraries, for example, to distinguish media from different computers or to create separate libraries for multiple users of a single computer.

For very large media collections, using multiple media libraries can improve performance.

  1. If the Media Manager window isn't already visible, choose Media Manager from the View menu.

  2. Click the Media Library Actions button and choose New Media Library from the menu. The New Media Library dialog is displayed.

  3. In the Name box, type the name you want to use to identify the library.

  4. The Folder box displays the path to the folder where the library will be created. Click Browse to choose a different location.

  5. Click the Create button to create the new library.